After-Death Communication (ADC) Examples
Expect the Unexpected: ADCs Years later
Jim is a publisher in Florida. He was 21 years old when he had this
heartfelt reunion with his father, who had died 6 years earlier from a
heart attack:
My family had a log cabin in Michigan on a river. I always loved that
place and trout fished there. It was the best place of my childhood.
Shortly after my discharge from the Army, I went up to the cabin
alone in the middle of February. They had plowed the road, but the snow
was four feet deep across the fields and woods. The cabin is about a
mile from the road.
I got out of the car at 1:00 in the morning and began to cross the
field. I could see our cabin on the river bank in the moonlight. I would
take three or four steps and then break through the crust of the snow,
dropping in past my knees. I had to struggle to get back up on the snow
to keep going.
I felt there was a presence with me. One of the times I fell, I
distinctly heard a voice say, “Welcome home.” I had a sense of my
father, a visual sense, just as though the image of him was between me
and the cabin. He had a happy look, and it made me feel wonderful!
I suddenly began to walk on top of the snow and didn’t break through
anymore. I got to the cabin and started the fire in the fireplace and
lit the oil stove.
It was a beautiful night. My father was with me and I felt his
presence. He was happy to have me there. I began to cry and touch into
my father very closely, probably closer than I ever had in his earth
It was a very spiritual experience, one I will remember the rest of
my life.
Glendalee, a 57-year-old homemaker in Georgia, realized her father
was watching over her 15 years after he died of a heart attack:
I was driving down the highway in my truck. There was a railroad
track on my right and side streets coming onto the highway on my left.
As I was approaching the city limits, I heard someone say, “Stop the
truck!” It startled me, but I didn’t stop.
A moment later, somebody said again, “Glendalee, stop the truck!”
Then I knew it was Daddy, and it scared me. It was like he was sitting
right there next to me. Then he used a name he had called me all my
life. He said, “Baby! Stop!” And I slammed on the brakes!
As I did, a car came out of the side street on my left – it shot
straight across in front of me! Then it skidded into the dirt by the
railroad track and stopped. It was a very scary feeling!
The car had gone completely out of control. It couldn’t have missed
me by more than two inches. If my father hadn’t told me to stop, it
would have hit the driver’s side of my truck, and I would have been